Linux, the gamer platform
And no, I'm not kidding. Not even referring to the newest activities at Steam, Valve or EA.
Obviously there are many types of gamers. The one most frequently referenced as a "gamer" is the general "throw any number of ego shooters at me" type, who enjoys the same game principe over and over again with high-definition graphics and slight differences in possible interactions with the shooting parcours. Similar subtypes enjoy racing games instead or "epic roleplaying games" which have a slightly higher variety of game mechanics. All of these people share their love for very elaborate audio-visual presentation, mostly at the expense of real innovation.
Then there's the "casual gamer", whose rise is still under way with larger demographics being attracted to new gaming platforms like smartphones and pads. She/He likes very simple, addictive game mechanics that need near-to-zero introduction, therefor always being on the verge of banality.
Finally there is a third type, sometimes called the "indie gamer". What does he want? Simple: To be amazed! :-) Not (primarily) with graphics. But with innovation, with art, with massively good gameplay. Ideally a combination of all that.
Where does she/he find it? On (mostly) small games from small. independent software forges. On modern ports of those ancient 8-bit games from around the c64 era which refuse to die, because somehow they manage to transport loads more fun with their pixilated sprites than any "Call of Crysis" clone with a 3-years-value of vector graphics design and movie-esque soundtrack.
Now have a bet: Which type of gamer would dare to call Linux a real gaming platform?
Oh come on now, please have a guess! :-)