Das fliegende Spaghetti-Monster brachte mich auf die Spur...
...dieser neuen unerschöpflichen Quelle kruden nichtsdestotrotz
oberflächlichen und primitiven Humors (einer Kategorie, deren erklärter Freund ich bin):
Did you know...
Did you know...
From Uncyclopedia's biggest morons:
- ... that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a flying fuck with 2 balls and no dick?
- ... that the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't give a fuck about how does Jesus feel about him ?
- ... that Jesus loves the Flying Spaghetti Monster even though he/it's a vegetarian?
- ... that the person you see in the window above your sink every day isn't another person; it's called a reflection?
- ... that God loves you, but everybody else thinks you're a douchebag?
- ... that 57.3% of all statistics are totally made up?
- ... that that's a damned lie?
- ... that 42.7% of all lies are totally statistics?
- ... that the 70's never existed, but were simply a result of all the acid used in the 60's?
- ... that most people in western societies eat at least three peas per day? That's almost a 1000 per year.