Uncyclopedia über das X Window System
?X is the only windowing system that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.? ? Oscar Wilde on X-Windows
X-Windows (colloquially known as the "X Window System") is the standard graphical interface for computers running Leegnux. It is a technological marvel, constructed by geeks far deeper than thou. It does amazing and wonderful things that you wouldn't have thought possible. It runs on every operating system you can think of and several you wish you hadn't. It will display your applications to the same computer, the one next to you or one running on the friggin' moon.
It doesn't run your new video card, though it might next year or the year after. Maybe. Why don't you write a driver for it?
X-Windows (spelt with a hyphen and with an S on the end) works on the basis of "mechanism, not policy." This means that no application quite works with any other, and each one shows the artistic flair and graphic design skills of a furry-toothed programmer whose computer permanently displays a screen full of green-on-black terminal windows and a minimised Firefox for his porn. But this is a feature, not a problem.