Archive Februar 2012:

Faint idea to published website. An OpenWGA Tutorial, Part 2

tutorial2-header.jpgLets move to the second part of this small tutorial, which may be the hardest one for me personally. Setting up a new site in developer studio and then moving it up to a live server are standard procedures where you can do every step just one by one without thinking too much. However the in-between part is a more creative one and lets you get in touch with the real "work" behind making a website: Creating and organizing content and developing its design.

So the challenge is: Explaining the most basic prerequisites for doing this in OpenWGA so you are able to accomplish what you want but are not annoyed by loads of information. Ok, so lets have a very lightweight introduction to this.

Entry 1 to 1 of 1



Last comments

  • Oliver:
    Als Antwort auf "Anonym" vom 27. Dezember 2015 (..
  • anonym:
    Habbo als abzocke zu deklarieren finde ich schon..
  • anonym:
    Wenn du es dir leisten kannst und es dich glückl..
  • Jebote:
    ja sicher kommen alle auf diesen 5 jahre alten a..
  • Micha:
    @Ingo, na klar. Alles legitim und voll ok ;-) Mu..

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